Monday, September 11, 2006

Remembering 9/11...

As we all stop for a moment to remember all the events of 9/11 and the departed ones, what this day reminds me too is how it all started with the twin bombings of the US Embassy in Kenya that killed 257 people and injured more than 4000 people on August 7th '98.

On that day I was working just a few blocks away from the Embassy and was scheduled to take an orientation drive out with one of the senior guys. This drive would have taken me right past the Embassy at the same exact time the bomb went off. This guy who was driving me out had a few things that he needed to do which delayed our departure..

At about 9.30 AM the bomb went off and two thoughts came to mind, either the office of the President had been bombed or the KICC that was hosting the annual music festivals at the time. I remember insinctively going under a desk because the explosion was so loud that it shattered windows and brought the cieling down. After a while we all ran out of the building and upon getting out, met people running with bloody deep cuts to their bodies from the shrapnel crying and screaming. Some in prayer and some just holding onto the first person they saw. I cannot recall ever seeing people so willing to help, concerned and united...At that moment and later on we were one, just like 9/11.

Within minutes it was all over news and everything stopped and the rest is history.. hundreds of innocent people died and thousands more injured and maimed for life... 9/11 wasn't any different ONLY at a much bigger bigger scale.. Al Queda had hit and was on the prowl, only to hit the twin towers two years later....

Human life is valuable and should be cherished and dearly protected and we are all facing a common enemy who does not hold any of these values.. Be safe guys...


At 12:03 PM, Blogger Uaridi said...

I feel 9/11 and am sorry for the people who died. When I was in NYC a year later, I visited point zero and nearly wept my eyes out. It is a sad and tragic event, almost a surreal watching it happen on TV.

I hope we will remember to hold a memorial for the Kenyans who died at the Embassy bombings in Nairobi.

At 12:54 AM, Blogger Nakeel said...

True Human life is valuable. I hope one day we will wake up and stay in peace without the thought of where next are they going to hit

At 7:38 AM, Blogger Stephen A. Bess said...

I remember that day well. I was preparing the lesson for my next class when I found out what happened in New York. The bell sounded and kids came to the class, but our Principal came over the loud speaker to inform us that the Pentagon was also hit and that school is being dismissed and the buses began to pull up. I truly thought that we were being invaded because things happened so fast. In the end, too many lost their lives and I had one student who lost his father in the Pentagon. That was the last time that I saw him in my class. His family picked up and moved away.
Brother J, this was a nice tribute and personal account. May God bless us all.

At 11:28 AM, Blogger akiey said...

Everyday is a constant reminder of how vulnerable human life is in this age.
It's sad that folks especially those in/with power resort to bombs & bullets to sort each other out. A clash of egos at its worst!

I feel you on this account & I agree it's a very nice tribute.

Great accompanying pic BJ. U know me & pics keep em coming!

I was commissioned to do a tribute pic yesterday, let me know if you'd like to peep it.

Shalom Aleihim,Asalaam Alykum, Peace be with you,Amani Iwe Nawe...

11:27 AM


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