Tuesday, August 29, 2006

LEGAL BOMB SHELL - "it wasn't me"????

What??? John Carr is innocent after all that?? The dude walked, case & all charges dropped??? If that is not broadway or vihoja then I don't know what else is. Did you not take a DNA swab while the dude was still in Bangkok, Thailand before extraditing him first class to LA then to Boulder, Colorado??? C'mmon guys, just not cool.

In the true words of the late Johnnie Cochran, "if the DNA does not fit then you must acquit.." Dude is free to walk and live next to you and molest your 6 year old. Goosebumbs all around. Now the guy is a walking millionaire in waiting and has pulled off a publicity stunt perhaps the greatest in history. Turns out on the night JonBennet died the psycho was in Alabama with family and all he wants is to write a best seller book.

Granted he has issues and is a child molester who in my view is perhaps ever so dangerous.... Man if this guy was in Kenya we would have put him in a beehive and rolled it down the hill, what DNA. Tiga wana, don't waste our time fool.



At 7:09 AM, Blogger Msanii_XL said...

still looks like a creep to me...he has made his money already

At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This dude is not for real. Ashindwe! You can see the evil weirdness in his eyes. Me thinks he also wanted a free ride back to the States! BTW, correction to Johnnie Cochran's line, it was "...you must acquit"

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Shaggy said...

Msanii XXL - Yup dude's a walking ATM.

Mitzy - Gottcha on that correction, good looking out. You tell me all the trash he must have done in Thailand & everywhere else he's been to? Perhaps deploy some CID's & Pangani flying squad on this case and it would be a wrap..

At 10:13 AM, Blogger spicebear said...

i saw somewhere that he is going to be charged with chid pornography in california so one way or another he'll get what's coming to him. he is such an attention whore though, and really really creepy.

At 11:25 AM, Blogger Shaggy said...

Spicey - True true but how many years do you get for that like 5. Ample time to write a best seller and even get more publicity while inside. Ati he's a langa??? lol. Whichever which way the guy comes out on top...

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Uaridi said...

If it had happened in Kenya, we would have heard shouts of corruption - any takers???

At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi BJ, the saddest thing about this case is that the killer of the young child has still not been brought to justice.

At 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a shame this dude walked. In some ways I saw it coming. Being paraded infront of the media and enjoying a flight to the states with lavish food.....PUBLICITY KWELI. Now I can see the stations lining up to get his side of the story.....indeed a walking ATM.

Who said life was fair?

BJ....I hope your summer was off the hook. Mine was superb!!!

At 3:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dude is innocent. that should count for something. Get over it.

BTW the child porn thing---max 1 year less probation.

and to think his lawyer might even sue the state for that free air ride. I must say i saw it coming!!!

On another note, i am betting the british five-0 will fall on their sword on the latest "liqiuds" explos on madenge plot. My gut tell me this thing was not for real, just a bunch of kids talking big.
Any takers??

At 6:47 AM, Blogger Shaggy said...

Uaridi - you cracked me up ati corruption. Sad but so very true...This is a Mathare case we are dealing with here...

Mshairi - yup the real slim shady is still out there somewhere doing some other scary stuff. Could someone explain to me too why they thought so stongly that the girls mum did it? Just how???

Mocha - Summer was not good, too hot for comfort. Karr needs a nobel prize in PR coz that has done it.

Anonymous - Great points you bring to the table. Your thoght process methodical too and as for that British liquid thing I back you 100%. I travelled recently and those scan machines pick up everything and this dude had to be asked to remove grapes & oranges from his bag at the airport. Not cool.


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