Friday, August 18, 2006

Unsolved Mystery Murders in the 3rd World??

With the week coming to an end, I close with one disturbing thought in mind.

Why is it that psycho's who do such bad crimes like killing people in the advanced Nations end up coming out of the closet and admitting what they did whilst in the developing Nations these crimes remain a mystery. Look for example the Ouko case, Julie Ward, JM Kariuki, Tom Mboya etc and the list is endless.

I bring this up leading to this 41 year old teacher who killed Jonbenet Ramsey a 6 year old girl after sexually assaulting her and beating her to death in 1996 and then now, 10 years later he admits to the killing. Another example is the BTK killer who used to Bind-Torture-Kill his victims and he did it and got away for more than 30 years only to come out of of the woodwork and gloat to all these killings with specific details on how each victim died. I can go on & on & on.....

Fame is a dangerous thing and whether it's from bad publicity, it makes these sick people just want to feel some sense of power when the spotlight is on them. I guess technology is another reason for solving murders & crimes in the 1st world things like DNA testing and finally a competent team of investigators well trained and meticulous in their approach to solving the murders. Most of these cases the files remain open for years whilst in the 3rd world after a few months the files either disappears, the investigators are compromised and the cases remain unsolved.

Pity folks, with no clear answers or hope in sight, unless you think otherwise....


At 4:05 PM, Blogger Uaridi said...

BJ - who understands murderers? Who sees the depths of their hearts? I know it is wrong but sometimes I think that if it were at all possible, they should be killed.

Have a good weekend and try and avoid gory thoughts.

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Stephen A. Bess said...

They need Jesus! What's up BJ!

At 4:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey BJ!!!

No one will ever understand another human being, especially when they do such things. Now, like the JoBenet case....the dude was enjoying champagne and fancy food on his flight to the states. At one point he was singing whilst on transit to the airport. His face did not show any remorse at all. He may even be sent to the chair bila the family of the girl knowing why he did it. All this time, the girl's mother has passed on.

Life can be funny like that.....only God has the answers to such questions.


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