Friday, March 31, 2006

Mt Kenya!!


This has to go down as one of my biggest achievements in my life. I made it to the top of the second highest mountain in Africa, Mt Kenya.

We made it up to the top, point Lenana 4950m above sea level. Not everyone made it all the way & had to leave some guys behind at the last camp and also very vey near the top too unable to further advance due to the altitude sickness, I was the CAPTAIN of the team and I managed to take 9 out of 12 to the PROMISED LAND

This was a tough feat and it took some serious preparions to make this possible. Prior to this we had gone up every possible mountain, hill or mound for practice. We did Abadare twice up to the peak Point Ole Satima at 2278m a.s.l. and this was particularly important for high altitude training.

We did Ngurumani in Magadi on the border of Kenya & Tanzania and here we were testing, building mental & physical toughness walking for hours in the gruelling dry magadi heat. We also did Longonot twice which in my books was the toughest due to the many steep angles one has to go through, the dust and simply the length of time it takes you to go round the rim of the crater. This was particluarly good for physical fitness and gave us the closest rocky terrain to what we were going to experience in Mt Kenya.

We all lost many many pounds and were trim, fit and ready to take on the world.

We even crossed the border to Uganda and also tackled Mt Elgon. This was during the wet season and the muddy walk was long, slow and tough.

Here dude is posing & reflecting on the down slope simply not believing what we had just achieved. Truly unbelievable.

A trip to the Hells gate corridor was simply to build the team and honestly by this time we were a very tight team, like family and we had a great & fun time together. We also Camped out at Wajee camp in Nyeri, a natural habitat with lots of indegenous trees, birds and the old african kikuyu homestead setting sitting on close to 250 acres of land.

Below is another picture taken as we approached the mountain. We had just had a dangerous encounter with a rogue elephant in the forest but we all survived it and the elephant feasted on some of the banana's in some of the bags strewn all over the ground as we ran for cover in the forest. The game wardens later told us that it was a she-elephant in-season and was looking for some nookie, and she was not going to get some at least from us.

Very Proud of this feat.

Hip Hip Hurray!!!


At 9:26 AM, Blogger |d®| said...

Congratulations BJ. You are the man, coz I can imagine it isn't an easy climb & the air is thin up there.

Have a great weekend man.

At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL @ elephant wanting nookie - I am sure you didnt meet her specifications if you know what I mean - and while still snugly sitting in the gutter, she would have given you a BJ (pun very intentional) with her hose... LOL

That was a great fete though, I would love to do something like that but I dont think I would survive. I fainted when we went to Hells Gate in high school cos of the air quality. I need lots of fresh air - so me and altitude sickness would be mates for life in something like that.

Kudos Bro - and Have a fab weekend.

At 10:48 AM, Blogger Shaggy said...

guess - thin air in hells gate?? You'd probably then faint on round 3. Build that stamina girlfriend if you ever want some of this. Thanks for the pun and a splendid weekend too..then you might just demo that BJ you were talking about..

Quick elephant joke - ok so what does an elephant use for a tampon?

A Sheep. hahahahaha got you.

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Stephen A. Bess said...

That's quite an accomplishment! You go Bro J! Enjoy your weekend.

At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bro, what an achievement! Way to go and I can only imagine this was not a walk in the park!

At 11:17 PM, Blogger Spidey/Tato said...

i had joined P.A and was suppose to go for GOLD them sides...but Bronze and Silver proved to be something else for lil piggy that could. Damn I know and understand when u say thats an ACHIEVEMENT! Damn u lucky B.J gettin B.J...that aint one easy feat(not talkin bout guess's joke) climbing that far up. Envy is ME!!!!!

At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fainted cos the air had sulphur dioxide (or something) in it and I needed to have a fan in my face. I always say that if you want to kill me, suffocation or smoke is the easiest way to go. I go out like a light. Any smell of smoke or dust (car exhaust, fire, cigarette, et al) and bob is your uncle.

Your Elephant joke is so nasty - go away.

I am not sure I can handle being in that thin air, but heck, I would probably try, I am that crazy. I would go into space if I had the chance if I would die in it - have said this to friends and they are like, 'are you crazy' - I Guess that is a rhetoric question :)

At 5:56 AM, Blogger Nakeel said...

A big hug for the achievement we go Kilimanjaro on a coalition me and u lets do the thing..

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Girl in the Meadow said...

Hey Man, congrats. So that is BJ the one and only man in Uzbec.

At 10:56 PM, Blogger Sammie said...

Kudos man, That was a mean feat. Tried the P.A thing like Nick lakini wapi!

The sheep thing... Can we refer to it as O.Beeeh! LOL!

At 1:02 AM, Blogger kipepeo said...

i feel you nicky boo...i stopped at PRE BRONZE yo!!! wow brother j!!! That is something.. big up!!

At 9:48 AM, Blogger Shaggy said...

Stephen - Thanks. Mt Kenya is really tough and its also good for you to see that we actually do have snow along the equator and it does get cold too.

Irena - it was literally a walk in the park, Mt Kenya National Park, hahahaha.

Nick - you can do it too. ANd a BJ along the way could be a great motivation..

Guess - so you pass out easy, is that what you mean? Hope you don't choke and pass out on the lolipop... hahaha yet another jab!!
Glad you liked the elephant joke. Just wonder if the sheep is usually alive or not at the elephant supermarket.

Naks - hi dear we can do just that a coalition and go up KILI - problem is the air up ther is so thin and its so cold we might not be able to get our freak on. ANy other idea's.

Shiroh - yes that's the one & only BJ holding it down in the Uzbec. And you are welcome anytime.

Sammie - yup that was a mean feat.

Kips - why did you stop. I was meant to do Kili but never got to doing it. Mt kenya took its toll on us big time. We did recover though to tell the story.

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Stunuh Jay said...

Congratulations! Hope it didn't take to long to thaw out.

At 10:22 PM, Blogger Medusa said...

This is absolutely fantastic..This is actually on my must-do list..and I will. I loooved P.A.- the outdoors, hacking through bushes with a panga, lighting fires, sleeping under the stars.! After a while, we figured out how to stay somewhat 'fresh' despite the lack of proper showies....oh man..nostalgia..

At 3:50 AM, Blogger Nakeel said...

Believe it we can do it

At 5:08 AM, Blogger Prousette said...

That's fantasctic BJ I hope I do the same in my lifetime.

At 6:05 AM, Blogger Shaggy said...

Stunah - No it has not thawed yet, hard as a rock. hahaha trust you to go there. You are so crazy. Have a good one.

POI - thanks sweetheart.

Medusa - thanks dear, am not sure you can hack this with your 2 million phobia's. You are bound to come across spiders, snakes, elephants, buffaloes, dogs (naah no dogs) not to forget the high altitude. Heights will drive you nuts. But if you decide to have a few shots b4 then you may but not recommended. But I believe anyone for real can do it. Group dynamics come into play too. (check the webster dictionary plse)

Naks- you ain't giving up are you. Well if you are determined so am I. A nice thermal twin sleeping bag could help a little.

Prousette- thanks missy, hey you can do it. Start easy, get a group thats intersted, train hard and then go for it.

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Farmgal said...

wow ndugu Jero...brilliant achievement! I did ngong hills and promised myself never to trek or climb any hills agan.....congrats!

At 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!! That is so totally brilliant!!! Congratulations man.

I've been planning to climb that mountain for the longest. Wish I'd known you were doing it. If you do decide to do Kili holla at a girl!

LOL @the elephant wanting nookie. she must have smelt out your particular eh charms.

LOL Guess, no you di-didn't!!!

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Mocha! said...

LOL....congrats on your feat!

The only mountain I have conqured is the one in Nakuru....forgotten the name. It was a good experience and I wouldn't mind doing it again.

At 5:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweetie, I wasn't offended, just a bit taken back! We are cool!!

And now you, there's a Mt Kenya in Uzbek!!??

Ebu kwanza you nuy a cold one one of these days!!

Enjoy your weekend!

At 3:38 PM, Blogger gishungwa said...

climbed mount Longonot a couple of times make that four and each time i thought of MOses the guy int he bible and how if i was him i wouldave killed hte children of israel for misperfoming while i panted both up and down the hill in the name of doing them good. All that aside, Congratulations, next mount kili just too deadly....


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